Can Dieting Lead To Heart Attack?

Can Dieting Lead To Heart Attack

We all want to look slim and healthy, and for this we go on diets. But sometimes a diet is a double-edged sword.

And it’s not about the “pendulum syndrome” (I’m losing weight, then I’m gaining weight again), and not even about anorexia. The consequence of an incorrectly chosen diet can be a heart attack or its consequences, which in a few years can lead to a heart attack.

Note: One of the key factors that determines that your life will be long is the absence of the risk of a heart attack, which, in turn, is a common cause of disability, and its prevention adds an average of 12.5 years to the average life expectancy. Therefore, it is quite normal to wonder how popular diets are associated with this risk. Today, there are a lot of diets. But if they help to lose weight, then where is the guarantee that they are also good for overall health?

Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet is based on the restriction of carbohydrates, moderate protein intake and increased fat intake. This diet excludes bread, rice and pasta, but includes heavy cream and animal fats.

It is quite difficult to follow the Atkins diet – people who adhere to this system constantly feel hungry due to the lack of carbohydrates, but those who endure achieve results by getting rid of extra pounds.

This diet carries the risk of cardiovascular disease, which can result in a heart attack.

What is the risk? It is associated with high fat intake and increased cholesterol levels. How can you balance nutrition with such a diet? It requires the right ratio of proteins and saturated and unsaturated fats, as well as the optimal amount of fatty acids. All this should be combined with carefully designed cardio and weight loss exercises.

Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet includes a large amount of fat, a small amount of protein, and the complete exclusion of carbohydrates. And this diet is stricter than the Atkins diet, so it is rarely prescribed by doctors, most often to control epileptic seizures in children in especially severe cases.

However, the ketogenic diet has appealed to especially hardcore athletes and fanatical overweight fighters. It is very effective, but it is extremely difficult to comply with it due to the constant feeling of hunger and a meager list of allowed products.

What is the risk? The risk of heart attack, heart disease and vascular disease with this diet is high, as is the case with the Atkins diet, and all because of the huge amount of fat. In this case, you can save health if you create a special strategy for the ratio of consumed fats and proteins.

Vegetarian Diet

A vegetarian diet eliminates animal meats and sometimes other animal products such as eggs and dairy products, but includes a variety of grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes.

But at the same time, vegetarians can consume a significant amount of so-called processed and junk food.

What is the risk? The includes includes a large number of processed foods. In general, a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of heart attack, but eating fried foods, processed foods, and junk food leads to weight gain and nutritional deficiencies. Be careful!

Gluten-Free Diet

The gluten-free diet is aimed at reducing the amount of gluten – a protein found in wheat. A gluten-free diet is recommended for people with celiac disease. However, many people suffering from digestive disorders also note the positive effects of a gluten-free diet.

What is the risk? By itself, a gluten-free diet does not affect the risk of a heart attack in any way – unlike celiac disease, which increases this risk. A chronic inflammatory process also affects the condition of the blood vessels and can cause the formation of blood clots, which leads to the most deplorable consequences. 

Paleolithic Diet

This diet involves eating only those foods that were available to people of the Paleolithic era. This includes meat (without hormones), fish, nuts, vegetables and fruits.

However, this power system has not yet been sufficiently studied. However, even in the presence of scarce data, it can be considered that this diet reduces the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease.

This is due to the fact that this is diet that excludes processed food that cause oxidative processes in the body and may cause inflammatory processes. In addition, the paleo diet is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help restore and maintain bodily functions.

What is the risk? This is no processed food diet. It includes no artificial sweeteners, grains, and dairy products. Is cereal processed food? Breakfast cereals are highly processed, often packed with added sugar and refined carbs.

Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet includes fresh foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, meats, fish, legumes, and grains. And unlike the Paleo diet, this diet allows for much more carbohydrates, but, like the Paleo diet, excludes processed foods.

In general, the Mediterranean diet professes a healthy approach to nutrition, and when it comes to reducing the risk of heart attack, the Mediterranean diet holds the palm here – it reduces the risk of heart attack and normalizes heart function, and also prolongs life, which is confirmed by numerous studies.

One of the proofs is the town of Acciaroli, located on the west coast of Italy. The city that inspired Ernest Hemingway to write The Old Man and the Sea is home to a record 300 long-livers out of less than 2,000 people. These are people who have already celebrated their centenary. And some of the 110th anniversary.

Separate Meals

The basis of the diet is the separation of “good” and “bad” fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Bad ones should be excluded from the diet, this applies in particular to foods with a high glycemic index.

The system also involves eating at certain hours. In general, the diet gives good results in terms of weight loss for those who strictly adhere to the prescribed rules. And thanks to the use of foods with a low glycemic index, it helps prevent diabetes and metabolic syndrome (pre-diabetes condition). This in turn helps reduce the risk of heart disease and therefore a heart attack.

What is the risk? The diet entails a deficiency of certain nutrients. Therefore, make sure that your body gets everything it needs if you are going to follow this diet.

Whether you’re on a diet or not, it’s important to remember that your weight is directly related to your chances of developing heart disease and a heart attack. Being overweight doubles the risk of an attack. And diets can only reduce this risk or, conversely, increase it.

Category: General

Tags: diet, foods, health, nutrition, Processed Foods