What Are The Most Healthy Fruits And Vegetables?

What Are The Most Healthy Fruits And Vegetables_

Vegetables and fruits have long been included in most wellness and weigh loss diets. It is believed that fiber is very useful in obesity, diabetes because it stimulates intestinal motility. Vegetables and fruits are also good for diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, and many other ailments.

16 fruits and vegetables that should be added to the diet


Pumpkin is the most autumnal vegetable that contains a rare vitamin T, which prevents the accumulation of fat cells in the body. Pumpkin contains a lot of protein and carotene. The pumpkin contains such beneficial trace elements as zinc, fluorine, magnesium, iodine, copper and calcium. Thanks to useful fibers, it cleanses the body and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The vegetable is also rich in vitamins A, C, E, D, PP, K, which strengthen the immune system and fight against problems of the cardiovascular system. Pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil are used to treat bowel and kidney diseases, and they also remove acne and oily hair.

Sweet pepper

Sweet pepper contains vitamins C, B1, B2, B9, P, PP and many useful trace elements. Pepper contains a lot of vitamin C (just like lemon and blackcurrant), it is useful for strengthening blood vessels and immunity. Sweet pepper fights fatigue and stress well, it lowers blood pressure. Vegetable improves metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the stomach and pancreas. Sweet pepper juice is recommended for diabetics and those who needs to to lower cholesterol.


Carrots are rich in a natural immunostimulant – carotene, which will protect your body from colds and viruses. In the body, carotene turns into one of the most important vitamins – vitamin A. Carrot helps to strengthen the retina of the eye and its mucous membrane. Vegetables are used in the treatment of liver, stomach, anemia, vitamin deficiency. Carrot dishes are useful for both children and adults, they help to cope with metabolic disorders, improve the condition of the skin, hair and eyesight.


Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, which is responsible for immunity. But the main thing is that it is stored in it for months and is not destroyed during storage. Cabbage contains vitamin C. Therefore, cabbage can be consumed in the fall in any form.


Cauliflower is best perceived by our organisms among other types of cabbage, due to the large number of easily digestible protein compounds. It is useful in high iron, ascorbic acid, vitamins C, B1, B6, B2, PP, A, N. Cauliflower helps to treat diseases of the stomach, liver and gall bladder. It is actively used in cosmetology, as it is able to deal with inflammatory processes on the skin, affects the density and condition of the hair.


The vegetable contains vitamins A, P, iodine, phosphorus, chorus, beta-carotene. A large amount of vitamin B improves the functioning of the nervous system, affects the health of the skin, hair and nails. Beetroot easily copes with the elimination of toxins from the intestines, has a diuretic property. Beets are often used in cosmetology – it fights against dry skin and oily hair.


The composition of celery includes calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, which increase hemoglobin level and immunity. Due to its antiseptic property, celery resists viruses from entering the body and also fights seasonal allergies. High levels of vitamin C normalize blood pressure and blood circulation. Celery has a good effect on the production of pancreatic juice, it also promotes the absorption of protein and strengthens muscle tissue.


The composition of broccoli includes vitamins A, B9, K, C, trace elements potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Cabbage removes “bad cholesterol” from the body, preventing cardiovascular diseases. It also strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Regular consumption of broccoli helps lower blood sugar levels and relieve chronic constipation. High fiber cleanses the intestines, it copes with diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Broccoli also improves memory and stress tolerance.


Eggplants contain a lot of fiber, organic acids, vitamins A, C, P, B. Active minerals, in particular potassium and sodium, which are contained in eggplants, are able to remove “bad cholesterol” from the body, so doctors often recommend a vegetable to people with heart diseases – vascular system. Eggplants normalize hemoglobin levels, improve bowel and kidney function. This vegetable prevents the entry of infection and virus into the body, which is especially important in the off-season.


Spinach leaves contain 14 vitamins, including important vitamin D2. The plant contains a lot of calcium, protein, magnesium and iron. Vitamins and minerals of spinach increase immunity and hemoglobin. Spinach is recommended to use for normal functioning of the nervous system and people suffering from diabetes. Spinach improves bowel function and helps rejuvenate the body.


High potassium salts fight obesity, gout, and diseases of the urethra. The composition of leek includes ascorbic acid, which almost doubles during storage. Leek copes with overwork, normalizes metabolism and liver function. The plant contains protein substances, carotene, riboflavin and thiamine.


The composition of pomegranate includes many useful substances and vitamins: tannin, sugar, fiber, potassium, sodium, calcium, manganese, iron, magnesium. Thanks to vitamin C, this fruit strengthens the immune system. And pomegranate juice has an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.


An apple contains a large amount of iron, which is responsible for blood formation. And vitamin C increases the body’s resistance to colds. Pectin perfectly cleanses the body of toxins. Therefore, an apple is one of the most healthy fruits.


This fruit is rich in pectin, which helps cleanse the body. In addition, pears contain fructose, which has an anti-stress effect. This fruit is simply irreplaceable for the diet.


Persimmon is rich in carotene, contains vitamin C, vitamin PP (which improves blood circulation), trace elements potassium, magnesium, as well as iron and iodine. The use of persimmons during the period of viral and colds strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of infection. If you include this healthy and affordable fruit in your diet in the fall, your body will be reliably protected from colds.


The uniqueness of cranberries is that it contains a rare vitamin PP, which is responsible for the absorption of vitamin C by our body. In addition, cranberries are rich in other minerals and natural antioxidants that protect us from colds.

Category: Health and Wellness

Tags: diet, fruits, healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, nutrition, vegetables